Copium Games

Project 2030 Survivors

In Development

game overview

In the years leading up to the collapse, coordinated media propaganda conditioned society into 2 opposing sides, setting the stage for the world’s most powerful pharmaceutical company “BioNex” and a shadow organization known as the “Neo Elite Forum” to initiate their agenda.

This dystopian future became known as Project 2030.

The people suffered greatly during “Event 202”, “The Fall” & the “Great Drone Wars”. While the world’s elite leisurely passed the time in MaxTac fortresses awaiting the mega city construction.

The wealthy live in lavish and technologically superior cities, ruled by the “New Order”, protected by Davos MaxTac (DMT) and served by citizens (The NEET) from the outer districts.
A network of Freedom fighters, known as “MAYDAY” exist in scattered pockets of life beyond the walls.
Announced Date

April 1, 2024

Release Date

Early Access & Full Launch TBD

Action, Adventure
Project Road Map
Public Trello roadmap planned.
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Within the dystopian mega cities, the NEET (New Era Equity Taskforce) dwell in towering structures, tightly integrated into a digital labyrinth of pods & “5 minute blocks” .
Each day, they enter their digital worlds, controlling remote drones and avatars with precision. Their daily duties rewarding life’s necessities, offering them a life without worry, stress, or responsibilitiy.
Hidden in outland colonies, MAYDAY fights against the suffocating grip of the NEET. Their survival hinges on evading detection while also purging the decaying remnants wandering the ruins.
Each day, they fight for autonomy as the last bastion of Freedom for mankind. To escape the reach of the machines and uncover the truth in the shadows of the mega cities.


Initial development game modes will be time-based “Survival” and wave based “Defense” for simple, repeatable game play whenever you have free time.
The goal is to provide an early version that the community can actually play, instead of just providing intangible screenshots and “promises”.

Future versions (long-term plan) will include open-world multiplayer, world exploration, questing, & scenario challenges.
Some of our favorite games were Lost Ark, Grim Dawn, World of Warcraft Vanilla, WarFrame and even Diablo Immortal at one point (minus the $ gouging).

But we will start out small and see what the community wants, supports and votes on.