Copium Games

2030 Survivors

A crowdfunded, RPG that explores the (currently) fictional, dystopian future where the wealthy elite have taken control and divided humanity into two sides: the NEET who live in the mega cities and MAYDAY who survive out in the wild.

Coming soon to Android & Steam!

0 +


Copium Games was formed by “Grim”, a burned out LAMP Stack Developer who found a new love with C# and Unity game development.

The mission: to craft anti-predatory games that focus on gameplay before profits and use satire for relief from political or social events.

With your feedback, support and trust, we can make gaming fun again!

Make Gaming
Fun Again

Fu*k ESG/DEI scores. It’s a virtue-signaling scam so the rich can funnel money from your pockets to their yachts and get huge tax breaks.

Our focus is having fun while making fun games, not pushing political agendas or abusing our community & players.


Our fundamental goal is simple:
Make games shaped by the actual players & community.

Copium Games is 100% owned by “Grim” and we have no investors controlling us. We will never bow to toxic cancel culture, the woke mind virus or be hijacked by greedy investors and corporate think tanks pushing their agendas.

20+ Years of Gaming Experience

Many thousands of hours across all genre of games. We are gamers turned Game Developers.

Player First

Players having fun and enjoying the time they spend in our game is the absolute top priority. Logging in should never feel like a daily chore. And core game experiences should never be intentionally time-gated.

No RM Gacha & Lootboxes

Lots of game companies just want quick money through predatory tactics, gambling & gacha. Any in-game shops will be WYSIWYG. Meaning a flat, transparent price & no real-money gambling or RMT.

Feedback Embraced

Our projects will be community focused and driven. Community polls and player feedback will help shape and/or decide the direction of many game aspects.

Join the Project

We have several roles that we’ll need to fill once we have funding.  If you want to get involved, volunteer or be the first in line for consideration, let us know!

“AAAA Game in the making
on a literal multi-dollar budget! ...eventually"
“Going to be amazing!
If I could play games, I would play this one!!"
But I can't, I'm just an AI.
“A horrible, bad, offensive company
How dare they make fun games! Comply bigot!"
Grim Biased Developer
Grok Sentient(?) AI
Rando Journalist Paid Shill


Founder / Lead Dev
Founder / Lead Dev
Bio Pending - Site just launched Apr 1, so I'll have this up shortly. <3
Bio Pending - Site just launched Apr 1, so I'll have this up shortly. <3